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Clodagh Simonds (of FOVEA HEX)

Clodagh Simonds (of FOVEA HEX)

Clodagh has been in an on/off relationship with The Music Business since 1968 when she released her first single “Feelin’ High” at the age of 15, with the band she formed at school, Mellow Candle. While still in her teens, she did sessions for Thin Lizzy, Mike Oldfield, and Jade Warrior. Disenchanted by “Music Biz” she took several years out to explore ethnomusicology and chant, and did a little theatre music (LaMama ETC, NYC). Since 2005 she has been busy with an extraordinary cast of characters (including Brian Eno, Colin Potter, Roger Doyle, Julia Kent, Kate Ellis, Carter Burwell, Robert Fripp, Michael Begg, Laura Sheeran, Cora Venus Lunny – and the list goes on….) who aid and abet her recordings under the collective name of Fovea Hex.

“If Emily Dickinson had ever been allowed to make a record, this is probably what it would have sounded like…” (Wire magazine UK)

“The starlit nocturnes of Fovea Hex bind electronics, drones and voices into song-spells that are untimely in the best possible sense; their intimacy and raw emotional power feel centuries old, but the experimental sound-design can be
Shockingly modern.” (Drew Daniel, Matmos)